Saturday, January 7, 2012

Why cant i debug my tamagotchi?

Ok so i have a V3 tamagtchi that i want to debug, i know the risks nd stuff so yea. but ive watched videos on how to debug them nd it looks pretty simple but when i get the back off mine and look at the circuit board it looks TOTALLY different to the ones in the videos. there is no debug on or w/e nd where u place the battery is white instead of green (like the rest of the circui board) and a few other things look different too. I live in australia nd bought my tamas in australia too, is tht one of the reasons why i cant debug? is it like just american or sumthing? anyways i know its not just a bad tama cuz all my other v3s are like tht too. so anyone with help on this i would REALLY apreciate it =D

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